
Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir & Bjarni Sigurbjörnsson
December 1 – 23 2023
Open Saturdays & Sundays @ 2-6 pm

Exhibition at Himinbjörg Art House

Beautiful Christmas gifts that delight the soul. Open 2 PM – 6 PM Saturday and Sunday. Warmly welcome.

Open every weekend during Advent from Thursday to Sunday, 2 PM – 6 PM.
Open December 20 – 22, 2 PM – 8 PM. Þorláksmessa (St. Thorlak’s Day) 2 PM – 10 PM.

This is a description of a holiday-themed art exhibition at the Himinbjörg Art House in Hellissandur, featuring a collection titled “Baroque” and special holiday opening hours.


Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir

Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir’s artwork weaves themes of self and societal healing, viewing society as interconnected souls. Her pieces combine textiles, glue, and gauze to express life’s emotional scars and triumphs. Chanting mantras during creation, she embeds spiritual texts within her art, later unearthed to reveal deep-seated desires. Her textured portraits illustrate both visible features and internal struggles, each a unique testament to the healing journey.

Bjarni Sigurbjörnsson

Bjarni Sigurbjörnsson is a distinguished Icelandic artist known for his profound ability to translate complex emotions into captivating visual forms. His work, characterized by vibrant colors and bold abstract shapes, explores themes of human psychology and natural beauty. Bjarni’s artistic journey is marked by a deep engagement with the texture and possibilities of different materials, often blending traditional techniques with modern expressions.

From The Gallery

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